Second Regular Review Social Work Registration System (Macau Daily)


The Second Session of the Legislative Council held the Bill for the Professional Qualification Recognition and Registration System for Social Workers for the first time yesterday. The Committee considered that the Government should explain part of the definition of disciplinary action, whether there is any complaint mechanism and the method for the formation of members of the second "Social Society". The government will be invited to attend the meeting. Taking into account the fact that frontline social workers still have opinions on the bill so far and the importance of future professional development of social workers, it is decided to conduct a 10-day public consultation from now on.

The second regular meeting met at 10 am yesterday to review the Social Work Qualification Recognition and Registration System Act. Chairman Chen Zewu concluded after the meeting that the norms in the bill regarding the examination of academic qualifications and some of the definitions of disciplinary action, such as serious damage to the professional reputation of social workers, are too general. As for the bill proposed to be sentenced to three years or more, it is too strict to not register. Member Wong Hing-hui also raised the question of what complaint mechanism, investigation procedure and pre-trial system should be used when social workers are disciplined. These require government interpretation.

The bill proposes that the 11 members of the "Social Society" are all appointed by the government, but it has not been stated that the second civil society representatives were elected by the industry, causing the industry to worry that the government will not honor the promises of the consultation. Chen Zewu said that he would ask the government about this. "Is it necessary to appoint in the future? Or is there a mechanism, a window, and social workers?"

The social work qualification recognition and registration system has been consulted twice in 2012 and 2015. The Government mentioned in the second round of the public consultation summary report that the revised Bills Task Force agrees that the progressive elections will be the second Ways of generating folk representatives in the committee.

In addition, the second regular meeting decided to maintain a closed-door meeting with a large number of votes, the number of votes was nine to one.